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Blue Hut Summer programme

What an eventful summer! While the weather may not have been great, our jam packed schedule of trips, visits and sessions made for a very memorable experience for our young people.

Come Dine With Me – Blue Hut edition

The young people created a menu, budgeted and bought ingredients, then cooked a main course and dessert for the opposing team to judge. See the results and watch the video.

Fun and laughter over half-term

From museum trips to higher education tips, our half-term activities were varied, inclusive and fun. Through these activities young people build their confidence, creativity and openness to new experiences.

Our Fantastic Partnership with CIBC

This year we were selected as one of CIBC’s charity partners, alongside two amazing charities, School Home Support and Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund. We know that by working in partnership with other organisations we can maximise our impact on the children and families we support, learning from one another and sharing our skills, knowledge and experiences. 

A Summer of Fun

We had a jam-packed and fun-filled summer with a range of activities for 6-9-year-olds, 10-14-year-olds and 15+'s. From creative activities to sports and community days, there was something for everyone, with exceptionally high numbers across ages 6-14.

Animation Club with London Youth & Chocolate Films

From the beginning of June up until the middle of August, we worked with Chocolate Films and London Youth to run an animation club for our Younger Futures (8-14) group.