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What a summer!
Summer food stall

Thank you to all of the parents, partners and, of course, the young people who turned up for making this a truly unforgettable summer break.

Eva’s story
Young woman stood smiling

When Eva moved from West Africa to Hackney she was just 10 years old and her interest in sports led her to SkyWay.

Session updates
young people playing on steel pans

Over the last six weeks, SkyWay Futures have been taking part in a steel pans project, and working on money management and cooking skills.

Volunteer Hajira at SkyWay

We have an incredible team of talented volunteers at SkyWay - we asked them to give us some insight into what they do and why they volunteer.

Nine questions with George
George stood by Big Ben

George came to SkyWay for a Research Placement during May and June 2016 through the London Youth Defining Success programme.