Believe in yourself. Respect others.

SkyWay Futures
SkyWay Futures is all about supporting young people as they move from childhood to young adulthood. It’s a youth-led project that helps them to develop the skills, confidence and resilience to tackle the challenges they face and form a positive sense of identity.
The project is split into three programmes that encourage independence, responsibility and self-determination, enabling young people to broaden their choices, make friends and build good relationships with the wider community.
Mentoring and Advocacy
Working in schools and youth club settings, we provide a mentoring programme where trusted adults provide support and guidance to young people who they’ve been paired with. We have a particular focus on working with young people to reduce exclusions, whilst also helping them transition from primary to secondary school. We also work with schools and other voluntary and community groups to provide an advocacy service for young people and their families to bridge the gaps in communication and understanding that can exist.
We are pleased to announce we are part of the Hackney REP Partnership.
Hackney REP is a community partnership of voluntary sector organisations and professionals committed to preventing school exclusions and ensuring education is an equitable experience for young people from all backgrounds in Hackney.
For more information please visit: https://hackneyrep.co.uk/

Employment and Enterprise
Our Employment and Enterprise Project is designed for young people and community members who want to develop their skills and gain qualifications, experience and employment through job clubs and one-to-one support and advice. We also give them the opportunity, advice and support to start their own business.
Community support
We support and celebrate the diversity of our communities through daytime provision including a young mums support group; parenting support; coffee mornings and lunch clubs; physical activities for all abilities; and community celebration events. These help us to address issues such as loneliness, mental and physical well being, and connecting people.
Over the last year we’ve been providing weekly activities such as clay art therapy, gym sessions and brisk walking club. We also held our free annual Christmas Grotto for 25 families, where they met Santa and received a small gift.

SkyWay Ambassadors
SkyWay Ambassadors is our highly commended peer development programme. The Ambassadors are trained and gain qualifications to support the delivery of activities and workshops for younger children who see them as positive role models. SkyWay Ambassadors volunteer and work in the local community, delivering activities in community settings and schools, and some continue training to become the next cohort of youth workers.
SkyWay Ambassadors specialise in providing support in mental health awareness, sexual health, money management, healthy eating and budgeting, sports coaching, leadership and mentoring, and life skills.
We specialise in…
Physical Wellbeing
Sports and physical activities delivered by qualified sports coaches in schools, on estates, community venues, and in parks. Connecting healthy living with food, budgeting, sourcing items, and understanding the health benefits of a balanced diet.
Mental wellbeing
Offering group focused activities, peer-to-peer support, one-to-one’s and life coaching to aid people to identify and manage their day-to-day issues by developing skills to take positive steps.
peer Education
Older young people (16+) trained to become facilitators and role models. We support and train them to run their own peer-led activities such as sports sessions, PSHE workshops, transitioning between primary and secondary school, homework support clubs and revision sessions, etc.
Detached and outreach
Engaging and supporting people in streets and estates where they live. This includes those at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour or being groomed into gangs. We offer targeted support to these young people and their families.