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Our activities
We work with young people and community members in London to provide free opportunities, activities or just somewhere to relax and spend time with friends.
Inspiring young people
At SkyWay, we love working with young people to help them develop their skills, build their confidence and feel ready to face just about anything! Whoever they are, whatever their age, and wherever they’re from, we want them to feel good about themselves and discover just how much they can achieve.

Working with an incredible community
At SkyWay we work with and provide support to some of the incredible communities in London. It’s an essential part of our work to build a strong, safe and happy communities where people help and encourage each other. We run daytime activities, youth services in the evenings and holidays, and community events throughout the year.
At SkyWay we host, run and promote a whole range of sporting activities, such as football, basketball, cycling, BMX, hockey, multi sports and skiing.
Sports activities take place in community venues, estates, local parks and schools. Delivered by qualified coaches, our sports activities bring people together with a common purpose. Each year, we organise and run a 5-a-side football tournament Teenage Kicks, and we have close links to other sports organisations for anyone who wants to take their sporting activities to the next level.

Healthy eating and budgeting
Food and getting an understanding of why a healthy diet is important, is another way we support the community. We always seek to do what we can to make sure everyone has access to healthy food and support the people we work with to budget and source healthy food.
At SkyWay we want to support people to develop and utilise their skills, helping them to gain qualifications, experience and employment through job clubs and one-to-one support sessions. We also give people the opportunity to create their own business, along with lots of helpful advice and support.

Different kinds of learning
Not everyone learns in the same way, so we like to give young people the chance to find something they feel passionate about – such as enterprise, mechanics or beauty – and we provide literacy and numeracy support too.
SkyWay ambassadors and community champions
Our ambassadors and community champions play an important role inspiring and supporting young people and members of the community. We train up our ambassadors to get the qualifications they need to run activities and workshops with children and young people. They’re amazing role models for the children at SkyWay and some of them even become our very own youth workers!
SkyWay ambassadors provide support in mental health awareness, sexual health, money management, healthy eating and budgeting, sports coaching, leadership and mentoring or life skills.
Our incredible community champions volunteer and work in the local community, delivering activities in community settings and schools. If you are interested in either of these roles, get in touch.