Your community. Love it.

Over 17,000 people supported

Everyday we work to create lasting change in the community and to people’s lives. Over the last year we’ve supported over 1,500 people in some of London’s most disadvantaged areas.

Last year

In the last year, 1,678 people participated in our projects, 1,080 people developed a new skill, 102 accredited qualifications were achieved, there was a total of 750 contact hours, and 575 sessions were delivered.

“After so many knock-backs, being encouraged not to give up really made a difference.”

Young woman smiling
Your Future. Own it stickers

The future’s looking brighter

We help people to recognise their own potential and have the self-belief to make positive changes. In 2023-24, SkyWay helped 102 young people to gain qualifications or get a job, but we’ve also seen countless young people over the last two decades reach personal goals, become mentors and understand what it takes to achieve their ambitions.

Changing lives

Young man looking up and proud


When SkyWay first met Jay, he’d been sofa surfing and unemployed for 18 months.


When Eva moved from West Africa to Hackney she was just 10 years old and her interest in sports led her to SkyWay.

Young woman smiling
a daffodil in the SkyWay garden


The young people at SkyWay didn’t feel very interested in gardening, until they started to lead the project.

2023-24 Annual Report

Annual report cover

Our projects

Take a look at some of the incredible projects SkyWay is running.

young man singing into microphone

Change someone's life

Man smiling

You can be the difference that makes a big change to someone’s life.